Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I'm Bacccckkkkkk

It's been a while and I blame it solely on summer wore my butt out!!! I was worthless everyday after work but now... camp is over and I actually feel rested.

Since my last post, a lot has gone on!

Ryan and I closed on our house and Ryan is completely moved in! We have bought living room furniture, the master bedroom is almost completely finished and we bought a kitchen table. Our empty house is slowly looking more like a home! On the weekends, we spend most of our time running errands for the house and cooking delicious meals in our fabulous kitchen! These fun weekends give me so much to look froward to when I finally move in!

**excuse the mess in the background...this was right after the furniture was delivered and the last of Ryan's stuff was unpacked!**

Some of our weekend time has also been devoted to decorating the house and figuring out ways to fill our empty house with furniture on the cheap!We got our kitchen table for less than half the price at American Signature during their 4th of July sale and we scored our 5 piece living room set at Rooms to Go for a killer deal as well! Ryan and I are also getting crafty with some stuff we already have...paint is our friend!

Our first project was to refinish his old dressers from college. I have a sleigh bed that we put in the master bedroom but I never bought dressers, side tables etc. to match it. Until we can save up to do that, we are using his refinished dressers in the master! It's amazing what paint and new hardware can do! I really wish I would have taken before pictures because they look SO much different!When people see them for the first time, they ask "are those new?"...if I wouldn't have known better, I would have thought they were new too! Go us! :)

Since we refinished the dressers, I have had an itch to get creative again! Nothing frees my mind more then painting something or doing something crafty. While I was at a thrift store looking for brooches (see next post!) I came across a chair that had too much potential to pass up! When I saw it, I knew it would be my next creative task! That same day I bought more paint and some fabric so I could refinish it. I have never refinished a chair so it was fun! Once I got started, I realized that it was quite simple! All I needed was paint, fabric and staple gun! Easy breezy and it ended up looking a lot better then I expected it to! It looks great in the master bedroom!

Being creative is fun and having our own house to do it in is great!
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